Benefits of Conical Fermenters: Why You Should Consider Upgrading

For homebrewers looking to elevate their brewing game, investing in a conical fermenter can be a game-changer. While traditional fermentation vessels like plastic buckets and glass carboys serve their purpose, conical fermenters offer a host of advantages that can improve the quality of your beer and streamline the brewing process. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of conical fermenters and why they might be the perfect upgrade for your home brewery.

What is a Conical Fermenter?

A conical fermenter is a fermentation vessel with a cone-shaped bottom. This design allows solids, such as yeast and trub, to settle at the bottom, which can be easily removed through a valve without disturbing the beer. Conical fermenters are typically made from stainless steel but are also available in other materials.

Key Benefits of Conical Fermenters

1. Efficient Sediment Removal
2. Reduced Risk of Contamination
3. Improved Beer Clarity
4. Ease of Harvesting Yeast
5. Fermentation Control
6. Versatility and Advanced Brewing Techniques
7. Durability and Longevity

1. Efficient Sediment Removal

One of the primary advantages of conical fermenters is their ability to efficiently remove sediment. The cone-shaped bottom allows yeast and trub to settle naturally at the lowest point. By using the built-in valve, you can easily drain the sediment without transferring the beer to another container, reducing the risk of oxidation and contamination.

2. Reduced Risk of Contamination

Conical fermenters, especially those made from stainless steel, are easier to clean and sanitize than traditional fermenters. The smooth, non-porous surface of stainless steel prevents bacteria and other contaminants from hiding in scratches or crevices. Additionally, the ability to remove sediment without opening the fermenter reduces the exposure to air and potential contaminants.

3. Improved Beer Clarity

By removing sediment and trub efficiently, conical fermenters help produce clearer beer. The ability to separate the beer from the solids results in a cleaner final product with fewer particles suspended in the liquid. This improved clarity is particularly beneficial for styles where a bright, clear appearance is desired.

4. Ease of Harvesting Yeast

Conical fermenters make it easy to harvest and reuse yeast. The sediment that collects at the bottom includes a significant amount of yeast, which can be collected through the valve. This harvested yeast can be stored and used for future batches, saving money on yeast purchases and ensuring consistency in your brewing.

5. Fermentation Control

Many conical fermenters come with features that allow for better control over the fermentation process. These features can include:
- Temperature Control: Some conical fermenters have built-in cooling jackets or ports for attaching external temperature control devices, helping maintain optimal fermentation temperatures.
- Sampling Ports: Allows you to take samples of the beer during fermentation without exposing the entire batch to air.
- Pressure Fermentation: Some conical fermenters are designed to handle pressure, enabling advanced techniques like pressure fermentation and natural carbonation.

6. Versatility and Advanced Brewing Techniques

Conical fermenters are highly versatile and suitable for a range of advanced brewing techniques. For example, they can be used for:
- Secondary Fermentation: Perform secondary fermentation in the same vessel without transferring the beer, reducing the risk of oxidation.
- Dry Hopping: Easily add hops through the top of the fermenter, and remove them through the bottom valve when done.
- Cold Crashing: Lower the temperature to encourage yeast and other particles to settle, producing a clearer beer.

7. Durability and Longevity

Stainless steel conical fermenters are incredibly durable and built to last. Unlike plastic or glass fermenters, they are resistant to scratching, breaking, and staining. This longevity makes them a worthwhile investment for serious homebrewers looking to upgrade their equipment.


Upgrading to a conical fermenter can significantly enhance your brewing process and the quality of your beer. The efficient sediment removal, reduced risk of contamination, improved beer clarity, ease of yeast harvesting, and advanced fermentation control make conical fermenters an attractive option for homebrewers at any level.

While the initial cost may be higher than traditional fermenters, the long-term benefits and durability of conical fermenters often justify the investment. If you’re serious about brewing and looking to take your homebrew to the next level, a conical fermenter could be the perfect addition to your brewery setup.